Create a new certificate.
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
Common Name on the certificate.
Locality (city or town).
Organisation name.
ACME, Inc.
Oranisational Unit name.
IT Department
An array of Subject Alternate Names. Each SAN must be specified by an HTTP POST variable named SANs[index][type] where index is a numeric index, starting at 0 for the first SAN and type is one of "DNS", "IP", "email" or "URI". This applies even if a single SAN is specified.
Two DNS names:
SANs[0][DNS] =
SANs[1][DNS] =
or an email address:
SANs[0][email] =
or a combination of an IP address and some DNS names:
SANs[0][IP] =
SANs[1][IP] = ::1
SANs[2][DNS] = localhost
State or province name.
Numeric identifier of the Certification Authority to be used to sign the certificate.
Session identifier.
When a certificate has been successfully issued, the API call will return the numeric identifier for the new certificate.
New certificate's identifier. This may be used in API calls to /cert/details, /cert/get and /cert/status.