
Retrieve a list of all Certification Authorities associated with the account.


https://www.tinycert.org/api/v1/ca/list (JSON)
https://www.tinycert.org/api/v1/ca/list.xml (XML)



Session identifier.

Return value

This method returns an array of all CA records. Each record is represented as an object in JSON, or a ca element in XML and contains two values:


Numeric identifier of the Certification Authority. This is the number to pass to any other API calls that operate on CAs.


Name of the Certification Authority, corresponds to the distinguished name (DN) on the certificate.

  1. Introduction
    1. Signing requests
    2. Error conditions
  2. API sessions
    1. /connect: Open a new API session
    2. /disconnect: Close an open API session
  3. Certificate Authority management
    1. /ca/list: Get a list of all CAs in your account
    2. /ca/details: Get further details on a given CA
    3. /ca/get: Download the CA's certificate
    4. /ca/delete: Delete a given CA
    5. /ca/new: Create a new CA
  4. Certificate management
    1. /cert/list: Get a list of all certificates for a given CA
    2. /cert/details: Get further details on a given certificate
    3. /cert/get: Download the certificate, signing request, or private key for a certificate
    4. /cert/reissue: Re-issue an existing certificate
    5. /cert/status: Change certificate status
    6. /cert/new: Create a new certificate